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Friday, October 25, 2019

Get The Mushroom in Christian Art: The Identity of Jesus in the Development of Christianity for Free

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Date : 2011-01-11

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The Mushroom in Christian Art The Identity of Jesus in ~ In The Mushroom in Christian Art author John A Rush uses an artistic motif to define the nature of Christian art establish the identity of Jesus and expose the motive for his murder Covering Christian art from 200 CE common era to the present the author reveals that Jesus the Teacher of Righteousness mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls is a personification of the Holy Mushroom Amanita muscaria

The Mushroom in Christian Art The Identity of Jesus in ~ In The Mushroom in Christian Art author John A Rush uses an artistic motif to define the nature of Christian art establish the identity of Jesus and expose the motive for his murder Covering Christian art from 200 CE common era to the present the author reveals that Jesus the Teacher of Righteousness mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls is a personification of the Holy Mushroom Amanita muscaria

The Mushroom in Christian Art The Identity of Jesus in ~ In The Mushroom in Christian Art author John A Rush uses an artistic motif to define the nature of Christian art establish the identity of Jesus and expose the motive for his murder

The Mushroom in Christian Art The Identity of Jesus in ~ The Mushroom in Christian Art emphasizes Jesus’s message of peace love and spiritual growth asserting that his murder was a conspiracy by powerful reactionary forces who replaced his message with the oppressive religiouspolitical system that endures today

THE MUSHROOM IN CHRISTIAN ART IDENTITY OF JESUS ~ mushroom in christian art identity of jesus development christianity PDF may not make exciting reading but the mushroom in christian art identity of jesus development christianity is packed with valuable instructions information and warnings We also have many ebooks and user guide is also

The Mushroom in Christian Art by Psychedelic Press UK ~ Firstly Jesus Christ represents an hallucinogenic mushroom following Allegro he plums for the Amanita Muscaria common name Fly Agaric Secondly that the narrative motifs found in the Bible which are encoded into art are in fact certain rites and knowledges concerning the identity of Jesus as a mushroom

The Mushroom in Christian Art The Identity of Jesus in ~ Covering Christian art from 200 CE common era to the present the author reveals that Jesus the Teacher of Righteousness mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls is a personification of the Holy Mushroom Amanita muscaria

Mushrooms in Christian Art I ~ Originally published in 2011 ‘The Mushroom in Christian Art – The Identity of Jesus in the Development of Christianity’ by John A Rush is a well needed addition to a burgeoning research area

» Mushroom in Christian Art Chapter Three ~ Mushroom in Christian Art Mushroom in Christian Art – The Identity of Jesus in the Development of Christianity Failed God Fractured Myth in a Fragile World


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